
Monday, May 10, 2021

Plane story

 For writing we each wrote a story about what it would feel like to skydive. this is my story

As we ascended higher and higher in the air my excitement grew.  Surprisingly, it only took a few minuets to reach the place where we were going to jump. I stand at the edge anxiously waiting. "3..2..1.. jump!" I suddenly feel the bitter wind slap my face. I look down at the houses that from this height, look no bigger than a grain of sand. As we get closer to the ground fear took over my thoughts. What if the parachute doesn't open? What if we land wrong and I break my leg? I was getting closer to the ground. 

"Oh no!" 

To be continued...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laura, I'm Kate, from Ahipara school.
    I loved your story! I liked how you used personification. Here is an example from your story: I suddenly feel the bitter wind slap my face.
    Maybe next time make don't switch between first and third person.


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