
Monday, September 6, 2021



Hello! Today dad and I made a Turkish pizza named lahmacun. you eat it differently than normal pizza, you have to roll it up as seen in top picture. How do you think we made it? The recipe is a secret! The pizza came out very delicious!! It took a long time to make though. 

Have an amazing day!!!


  1. Good Morning Laura
    This pizza looks delicious. Is this a secret recipe from a family member? Are you allowed to share what fillings you used as I wonder how it is different from the traditional pizza?
    Have a great day.
    From Ange

  2. Kia ora Laura,

    This looks very tasty! I had never heard of lahmacun before, but I do like pizza a lot so I think this would be very tasty. The dough looks very thin. Did it taste different to other pizza?

    See you at school soon!
    ~ Miss Mathieson


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